Strainers TypesGSF 330
Y-type strainerswith screwed connections.Screen of corrosion and acid-resistant stainless-steel wire gauze (DIN no. 1.4571) .On request the followingspecial designs are available:Screen of other materials, with any mesh sizerequired.
Special corrosion-resistant coatings.Screen cover with plug or blowdown valve.Screwed connections to NPT or socket-weldends on request.Other materials, higher nominal pressureratings (PN) and further special designs on
Y-type strainers with flanged connections ofgrey-cast iron, see data sheet for types GSF300.
Y-type strainers with flanged connections ofcast steel, gunmetal or stainlesssteel, seedata sheet for types GSF 310.Cylinder-type stainers, see data sheet for
types GSF 340/350.
Y型過濾器是輸送介質的管道係統*的一種過濾裝置,Y型過濾器通常安裝在天天5G新官方入口、泄壓閥、安全閥,定水位閥或其它設備的進口端,用來清除介質中的雜質,以保護閥門及設備的正常使用。Y型過濾器具有結構,阻力小,排汙方便等特點。Y型過濾器適用介質可為水、油、氣。一般通水網為18~30目,通氣網為10~100目,通油網為100~480目。 籃式過濾器主要由接管、主管、濾藍、法蘭、法蘭蓋及緊固件等組成。當液體通過主管進入濾藍後,固體雜質顆粒被阻擋在濾藍內,而潔淨的流體通過濾藍、由過濾器出口排出。如還想了解更多過濾器資料請點擊過濾器查看。